Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Vampire Lovers (1970)

Rated:♥♥ (2/5)

The Vampire Lovers is a story about a vampire with lesbian tendencies that was believed to be dead but is actually not. She preys on young women by slowly draining their blood in the night.

The weird thing about this movie is that the characters are fast to deduce that it must be a vampire. Because of this, the lesbian vampire is forced to change her name after every kill and nobody seems to know that it's the same person even though her apperance doesn't change. Another weird thing is that after the young women die, they do not become vampires themselves. Also, there's this other vampire guy who is never really introduced in the movie, he just lurks creepily.

They don't show any sex scenes just a few kisses and the chicks weren't very hot. The acting is pretty crappy but vampires are pretty cool so it gets at least 2/5.

Watch the trailer here.